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The Benefits of Pet Acupuncture

Pet acupuncture is a complementary therapy that has been gaining recognition for its benefits in treating various health conditions in animals. At Buellton Veterinary Clinic in Buellton, CA, we offer Read More

Top Toxins to Your Pet Part 1

Every year, Pet Poison Helpline, a 24/7 animal poison control center, compiles a list of toxinsfrom calls received regarding potential animal exposures. The top 10 toxins change from year toyear Read More

Should your dog be getting "high"

Hello informed pet ownersI apologize for missing an information blog the last couple months. The holidays arealways busy but this year I lost my 96 year-old mother in early December. Read More

Dog Park Etiquette

I’ll start by being perfectly honest to say I am not the biggest fan of dog parks. I know they provide a valuable service for people that live in neighborhoods Read More

Food for Thought

                                                            Read More

Itchy Pet Awareness Month

Although our pets can have itchy skin, feet, face or ears just about any time of the year, the summermonths seem to be the time we see the most problems Read More

Parties, Pools and Posions

Summer is such a fun time with our pets! More outdoor time with the kids out of school and longerdays to take walks in the evening make summer a great Read More

National Pet Preparedness Month

June is National Pet Preparedness Month. In the event of an emergency ornatural disaster, it is important that everyone in your house gets out safely,including your pets. From housefires and Read More

Microchipping your pet

According to statistics, one in every 3 pets become lost at some point in theirlife time. That alone is probably a great reason to have a Microchip put intoyour pet. Read More

Should Your Pet Go Under The Needle?

Acupuncture is becoming more and more popular in the treatment of both humans and animals. The technique has been in use in veterinary practice in China for thousands of years. Read More

Does My Pet Need Health Insurance?

Pet insurance, much like our own health insurance can be both confusing and useful at the same time. There are many questions that a pet owner needs to answer when Read More

Do I Really Need to Brush My Dog's Teeth?

                                   Do I Really Need to Brush My Dog's Teeth? When I was in veterinary Read More

Safety during the holidays

The holiday season offers great opportunities for celebrating with loved ones,and for many families, that includes their dogs and cats. However, holiday foods,guests and decorations can pose health risks for Read More

Signs of Pain in Animals

Over the years, I’ve had many people tell me that their pet is limping, but does not seem to be in any pain. I completely understand why someone might not Read More


Imagine what would happen to your mouth if you never brushed your teeth. On second thought don’t... it’s not a pretty picture! And yet, very few of our pets ever experience Read More


We are fortunate in our part of the country. Our sunny, mostly dry weather reduces the incidence of harmful parasites. We don’t have nearly the problems that people in humid areas such Read More

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